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Submit your Plex listening activity to ListenBrainz


Got questions? Seek and ye shall find.

Q: What are the prerequisites?

eavesdrop.fm leverages Plex Webhooks to submit your listens to ListenBrainz. The relevant prerequisites apply, including network access and an active Plex Pass.

Q: Why do I need a Plex Pass?

Webhooks are a premium Plex feature, available only to Plex Pass holders.

Q: How do I find my ListenBrainz token?

Your ListenBrainz token is available from your ListenBrainz user profile page, under the User Token heading.

Q: How do I find my Plex username?

Your Plex username can be found on your account settings page in Plex Web.

Q: Why aren't offline listens submitted?

Due to the way Plex webhooks work, listens that occur historically can not be submitted.

If your device is not able to connect to your Plex Server at the time that you listen to a track, it won't be submitted.

Q: Why isn't it working? Help!

Check the following:

  • Both the Plex username and ListenBrainz token you entered above are correct.
  • The webhook is saved in your account settings.
  • In your Plex Server's network settings (under Settings > Network), ensure the server is permitted to send webhooks.
  • Your Plex server is able to reach the internet.

If everything above looks okay and you still can't submit your listens, raise a Github issue here with as much information as possible, or create a post in the Plex Forums and tag me (@simonxciv).

Q: What about my privacy?

Your information is not stored by eavesdrop.fm. Your listening history, Plex username, and ListenBrainz token are encrypted in transit, and not retained by us.

We collect minimal, anonymous statistics to keep track of hosting costs and associated bandwidth limitations. You can see what we're capturing here.

Should you have concerns, the source code is open and auditable here.

Q: This FAQ sucks!

Why don't you build me a better one?